The following is a profile of graduates of the software engineering undergraduate study program

Bachelor of Software Engineering Graduate ProfileDescriptionProfession
Professional Software EngineerSoftware engineers who are bound in an organization/company who pursue their careers through a series of levels that exist within the organization/company.Requirement engineer, business analyst, system analyst, software architect, software engineer, software developer, programmer, software quality assurance, software tester, software maintenance engineer, etc.
Software engineer who is ready to be involved in a software development/maintenance project on a full time basis.
Software Engineering EntrepreneurEntrepreneurs who utilize their knowledge and skills in software engineering along with their creativity and innovation to build independent businesses and jobs for othersSoftware developer consultant, IT based entrepreneur, etc.
Software Engineering Academics and ResearchersAcademics in the field of Software Engineering who will devote themselves to teaching in universities and researching in research institutes and private companies.Lecturer assistant, laboratory assistant, research and development staff